
The Minister's Daughter is back!

I just realized my last post on this page was last year. 2009. A LOT has happened. But it hasn't. Still going to school, still have the same job (although that's touch and go most of the time), still have my cat. But. Also gained tons of friends, saw many Tori gigs and there's more to come. That is why I have decided to revive this blog and hopefully someone will read it. If not, well, at least I might think someone will read it and then I'd be happy too.

So, what's going on. Well, first of all I, or rather we at work, have decided to dress up for Queensday this year at the restaurant. Since the Dutch colors are red, white, blue and orange I need to go look for a Cheeto Wig. In other words, I'll be dressing up as a Tori/Dutch flag hybrid, with maybe a little Marcel touch, especially for my Thea. Queensday is not like Haloween, but because we don't really do Haloween here we decided it should be like Haloween. My manager is gonna flip out when she sees us and probably will tell us to take it all off, but there's no chance in hell that's gonna happen. There, I said it. I wanna dress up like Tori/Dutch flag hybrid.

Also, Tori gigs! There's 2 coming up, and depending I'll be wearing my Cheeto wig. Or I'll at least bring it. Since I already purchased it by then, I might as well. So as you all know, the 11th is Bruges and the 14th is Zurich. Travel, travel, travel!

So look foreward to blog and twitter updates on the gigs as they happen. In between now and July I'll probably bug you with other stuff too, so keep an eye out!

Minister's Daughter says: 'peace out bitches!'

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