
April 12th and 13th - Flying solo

So, I checked with my friend about the Film festival and it turns out she can't make it :( I have no friends, so no one to go with. Shall I go by myself, I wonder. Probably not. Oh well, there's always next year, plus I'll definitely watch the 4 movies on DVD ;)

In other news, I bought the most awesomest sunglasses ever. I'm in love. I was tempted to try a Pucci one, cause I love Pucci and they sell them, but I had to wait forever for the girl to help me, so I told her 'well, fuck you, you could have sold me a 250 euro pair of sunglasses, but if you're not interested, well fuck that shit'. And so I bought the aviators.

They are kinda awesome right?!

So now, I just need another pair, maybe something like this:

And I'll be all set for summer!

Oh and people that were wondering: yes the National Railways actually do tell passengers that someone jumped in front of a train ;) I'll take a picture next time and show you. The electric sign actually phrases it as 'collision with a person', I'm really serious!

Till next time!

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